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    HF MIXING GROUP Harburg-Freudenberger Maschinenbau GmbH

    Asdorfer Str. 60


    +49 2734 491-0

    Intelligent process engineering provides the best results in the compounding facility Automation offers consistent documentation of processes and material flows ADVISE® ES is a modular, scalable system for automating mixing rooms. All areas of the mixing room are included, starting with the inventory management of raw materials in the warehouse, going to the manual weighing of small chemicals, the fully automated weighing of bulk material, the mixing process, downstream equipment such as open mills and single- or twin-screw discharge extruders, and all the way to the compound storage room. Highly developed automation solutions are available for the individual areas and/or machines. Depending on requirements, individual applications can be selected and combined to create a comprehensive automation solution. Even higher-level ERP systems or laboratory equipment can be connected to the mixing room automation system via standard interfaces. More features: Complete automation solutions from one single source High level of standardisation, low investment costs Continual further development for future mixing technologies Productivity and quality optimised with intelligent process technology High precision and repeatability of processes guaranteed Consistent documentation of processes and material flows

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